lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

THROWAWAYS: Consequences

Throwaways are the group of teenagers that that life in the streets, People that in some time of them life their parent's, or someone that lived with them, throw to the home.

Usually these teenangers are throw away to them home because their behaivour is so bad, or sometimes no, so this can happen too  because the economic situation to their parents is unstable.

But, this is not the solution because these persons have problems, several problems about resources and it can affect them health, 

Some resources

  • Health 

it is causing several impacts in their health;  about 45 percent of homeless children and youth are overweight or at-risk of being overweight due to inappropriate food consumption,48 and another case study also shows that being overweight and obesity are prevalent among homeless children and youth.

But all is not broken in them life because Throwaways and Runaways are protected for associations, and they are like them family.

In Ecuador associations like ACNUR,  FEPP, HIAS, help them.
Because the majority es good people that have suffered to much.

Others associations around the world are:

      The Runaway and Homeless Youth Protection         
            The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
            Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
       Housing Subsidy (Section 8 and Public Housing) Programs
            Chafee Foster Care Independence
        The Runaway and Homeless Youth Protection 


By Yrov.


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