lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016

The New Phase: Runaways and Throwaways

When you are adult, you have to take your way, but this have to be "A good way".

But..sometimes, suddenly in a little time of your life somenthing change, and do not accept that, because this is a bad change, something that hurts you; and you must leave... so far.
It can happen when you are a little child or a crazy teenanger, it depens.

I wrote "Depens" because it is a decision taken by you, or  take by " The monsters", your family, your parents. 

RUNAWAYS AND THROWAWAYS, homeless's people, according to some sources about No governmental organizations (NGO), like Paideia Street's Child said that the there are more children in the streets, than teenangers, so the majority are runaways child. But that does not mean that is not dangerous when you are teen. 

There are much facts that produce this change, but which are?


  • Problems with their family.
  • Some decide leave out without ever having a fight.
  • Done something that made feel himself ashamed and cannot tell to your parents

  • Physical violence.
  • Sexual abuse.
  • Economical problems.
  • Arguments.
  • Behavior problems.
  • Broken homes.
  • Rebelliousness

By: Yrov


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